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Масло для газовых двигателей Castrol Duratec L 40, в Алматы
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Масла для газовых двигателей Castrol Duratec L Natural Gas fuelled engines Description Castrol Duratec L is a monograde gas engine lubricant that provides excellent thermal and oxidative stability to reduce combustion chamber deposits and significantly reduce maintenance costs. Duratec L is formulated primarily for spark ignition natural gas engines where the gas is largely free from aggressive components such as hydrogen sulphide and chlorine or fluorine compounds. Duratec L has been specifically developed to reduce deposit formation, and improve oxidation characteristics whilst offering excellent corrosion control and base oil retention. Castrol Duratec L is approved by R-R Ulstein, Wartsila, Perkins, Ruston and Mirrlees Blackstone, and meets the requirements of Caterpillar, Jenbacher, Waukesha, Guascor, Deutz and MAN. Application ‡‡ Power Generation Key Benefits Castrol Duratec L is available globally and combines excellent thermal and oxidative stability, and balanced additive system in Offshore operations to provide the following key benefits: - ‡‡ Improved engine life through reduced component wear ‡‡ Lower operating costs through increased drain intervals ‡‡ Significantly reduced maintenance costs through a decrease in combustion chamber deposits and enhanced engine cleanliness Performance Levels & OEM Specifications ‡‡ Caterpillar ‡‡ Deutz ‡‡ Guascor ‡‡ Jenbacher ‡‡ MAN ‡‡ Mirrlees Blackstone ‡‡ Perkins ‡‡ Rolls-Royce Ulstein ‡‡ Ruston ‡‡ Wartsila 175SG, 220SG, 25SG, 28SG and 34SG ‡‡ Wartsila 32DF and 50DF dual fuel engines running primarily on natural gas. ‡‡ Waukesha (normal coolant temperature installations).