/ Brass Woven Wire Cloth

Brass woven wire cloth is a versatile material known for its durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal. It finds applications in a wide range of industries, including filtration, sieving, screen printing, and decorative purposes.

Weave Types: Plain Woven, Twill Woven, and Dutch Woven
Brass woven wire cloth is available in various weave types, each offering distinct characteristics and applications.
Plain Woven:
Plain woven brass wire cloth is the most common and simplest weave type. It features a simple over-and-under pattern, resulting in a square mesh with uniform openings. This weave type provides good strength and excellent filtration capabilities, making it suitable for general-purpose applications such as particle filtration and separation.
Twill Woven:
Twill woven brass wire cloth is characterized by a diagonal pattern created by passing the weft wire alternately over and under two or more warp wires. This weave type offers greater strength and allows for finer mesh sizes. Twill woven brass wire cloth is commonly used in applications that require precise filtration, such as fine particle separation and liquid filtration.
Dutch Woven:
Dutch woven brass wire cloth is characterized by a combination of fine mesh openings and a relatively high wire density. It has a reverse twill weave pattern with a smaller wire diameter used as the weft wire and a larger wire diameter used as the warp wire. Dutch woven brass wire cloth provides excellent filtration performance and is commonly used in applications where fine filtration and high flow rates are required, such as pressure and vacuum filters.