/ Acrylic Square Block Vials
  • Acrylic Square Block Vials
  • Acrylic Square Block Vials

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Acrylic Square Block Vials Sensitivity,Application, Features And Benefits

Acrylic square block vials are spirit levels housed in a square acrylic casing, used to verify if a surface is horizontal or vertical. The sensitivity of these spirit levels and bubble vials is crucial, as it significantly impacts their accuracy.

Sensitivity in Acrylic Square Block Vials:

Sensitivity in the context of acrylic square block vials refers to the responsiveness of the bubble to changes in inclination. Specifically, it denotes how much inclination is needed to move the bubble a set distance within the vial.

Factors Affecting Sensitivity:

  • Vial Curvature: The internal curvature of the vial determines the movement of the bubble. A steeper curve will result in higher sensitivity.
  • Liquid Viscosity: The liquid inside the vial plays a role. A less viscous fluid allows the bubble to move more freely, making the vial more sensitive.
  • Bubble Size: Larger bubbles can move more quickly and are easier to read, but might not offer the same precision as smaller bubbles.
  • Vial Length: Longer vials can offer more precise readings as there is a larger distance for the bubble to travel.
    Common Sensitivity Ratings:
  • Sensitivity is usually measured in arc minutes or millimeters per meter (mm/m). For example, a vial with a sensitivity of 30 arc minutes will have the bubble move 2mm (typically the distance between two graduation marks) when tilted by 30 arc minutes.

Aohong Special Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd, based in Hengshui City, stands out as a premier manufacturer and seller of high-grade spirit bubble level vials, spirit level vials, and finished spirit/bubble levels. With a robust blend of design, development, production, and sales, Aohong demonstrates a comprehensive and professional approach to their business, operating a sizable enterprise proficient in scientific research, advanced production technology, and adept manufacturing capabilities.