/ Куплю очищающую жидкость ZOK 27
Куплю очищающую жидкость ZOK 27
Добрый день!

Просьба предоставить ваше коммерческое предложение на поставку очищающей жидкости ZOK 27.

Пожалуйста, укажите стоимость и сроки поставки.

Карточка организации во вложении.


Application                    FOR GAS TURBINE COMPRESSOR

Description                    CLEANING FLUID
Appearance                     LIQUID
Viscosity at 40 °C             22.36 x 10-6 m²/s
Specific gravity               22.26 x 10-6 m²/s
Pour point                     >100 °C
PH range                       7.2 TO 7.5
Colour                         COLORLESS
Solubility                     SOLUBLE IN WATER
Melting point                  0 °C
Freezing Point                 0 °C
Boiling point                  100 °C
Flash point                    > 100 °C
Relative density               1.01
                               (WATER = 1 AT 20 °C)
Form of supply                 BULK

Manufacturer                   ZOK INTERNATIONAL GROUP LTD
Manufacturer Part Number       ZOK27

M01 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

A) Vendor must supply copies of the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in
both English and Russian language.
B) SDS must be to ISO 11014-1 format (or latest revision), with
contents based on accepted norms.
C) SDS must accompany product in shipment.
D) Vendor/Manufacturer must advise Sakhalin Energy of all revisions
made to SDS.
E) Material will have a minimum of 80% of specified shelf life upon
material dispatch from vendor.
F) Material must bear the dates of manufacturer and expiry.
G) All individual packages containing a harmful substance shall be
durably marked with the correct technical name (trade names alone
shall not be used) and shall be durably marked or labeled with
dangerous goods sign(s).
H) Drums and cans must be factory made, new, durable. Material drums
and cans must be chemically inert with respect to content.
150 литров

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С уважением к Вам и Вашему бизнесу, / Best regards
И Антон Енсуевич / I Anton
ООО "Восток Марин ПРО" / Vostok Marine Pro LLC
693008 г. Южно-Сахалинск, ул. Вокзальная 56, оф. 207 / 56, Vokzalnaya st., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city, Far East region, Russian Federation
Моб. телефон/Whats App: 8 924 888 42 90 Учитывайте часовую разницу к Москве + 8 часов
Тел./Факс: 8 (4242) 75-01-01 доб. 106